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Shortest Trip to Earth: Tipps, Tricks und Cheats

Scrolle auf dieser Seite, um alle vorhandenen Cheats für Shortest Trip to Earth (PC) zu finden.

Willkommen! Unten haben wir die Cheats von Shortest Trip to Earth gesammelt, aber nicht nur, Erfolge, Codes und Trainer werden auf dieser Seite angezeigt, wenn und sobald sie verfügbar sind.

Einführung und Grundstück

Shortest Trip to Earth ist ein simulator, weltraum-roguelike mit schwerpunkt auf der erforschung, verwaltung des raumschiffs und auf taktische schlachten. Begeben sie sich auf eine gefährliche reise durch das universum, wo ein krieg tobt intergalaktischen.

Wir haben Material, das für PC gültig ist. Die Liste der Konsolen wird fortlaufend aktualisiert von PC, dem Datum, an dem Shortest Trip to Earth veröffentlicht wurde.

Wenn du wirklich viele Cheats für Shortest Trip to Earth willst, hast du einen glücklichen Tag! Wir haben einen Trainer, der dir erlaubt, viele Cheats freizuschalten Sie können es weiter unten finden.

Am Ende der Seite findest du auch eine Liste mit freischaltbaren Zielen in diesem Spiel mit einem kleinen Führer. Die Liste ist in Englisch, aber wir haben auch eine automatisch übersetzte Version um es einfacher zu machen verstehen.

Und nun sind hier endlich die lang ersehnten Cheats für dieses Spiel.

Trainer und Cheats für dieses Spiel

Trainer und Cheats für dieses Spiel

Trainer für Shortest Trip to Earth sind kleine herunterladbare Programme, die Funktionalitäten zum Spiel hinzufügen, vor allem mit dem Ziel des cheating. Diese Funktionalitäten können nicht auf andere Weise verfügbar sein. Klicken auf der bevorzugt Trainer um es herunterzuladen
Shortest Trip to Earth
Trainer 1.1.6 / +0
Bio-produkte unbegrenzt
Sprengstoff unbegrenzte
Exotische unbegrenzte
Synthetische unbegrenzte
Metalle unbegrenzt
Ändert forderungen
Ändert sich schicksal
Unendlich schild
Super geschwindigkeit

Steam Leistungen

Führen Sie die folgenden Aufgaben aus zu erhalten Das entsprechende Steam Leistung:
TitelSteam Leistungen: Shortest Trip to Earth
The Rogue Rat blueprints
Activate Panic Mode
The Pumpkin Hammer blueprints
The Exotics Conoisseur
Have 25+ exotics
Have 25+ exotics
The Weapon Collector
Own 8+ weapons
Own 8+ weapons
Double kill
Own 8+ weapons
Own 8+ weapons
The Nuke Collector
Own 6+ capital missiles
Own 6+ capital missiles
The Atlas blueprints
Own 6+ capital missiles
Own 6+ capital missiles
The Close Call
Own 6+ capital missiles
Own 6+ capital missiles
The Offensive Strategy
Have 5 weapon slots
Have 5 weapon slots
The Reactor Specialist
Have 60+ power
Have 60+ power
The Space Schläger
Destroy at least 30 hostile ships in a single run
Destroy at least 30 hostile ships in a single run
The Novice Rogue
Destroy at least 30 hostile ships in a single run
Destroy at least 30 hostile ships in a single run
The Novice Überlebenskünstler
Survive 20 battles in a single run
Survive 20 battles in a single run
The Master Tanker
Have 1000+ fuel
Have 1000+ fuel
The blueprints das sol post
Have 1000+ fuel
Have 1000+ fuel
The Survival Specialist
Survive 30 battles in a single run
Survive 30 battles in a single run
The Arsenal
Own 10+ weapons
Own 10+ weapons
The Gardening Dabbler
Own 10+ weapons
Own 10+ weapons
The Hydra-Strategy
Have 6 weapon slots
Have 6 weapon slots
I Knew This Was Going To Happen
Have 6 weapon slots
Have 6 weapon slots
The Extended family
Have 18+ crew
Have 18+ crew
The Randomness Dabbler
Collect 50-70 fate during a run
Collect 50-70 do during a run
The Warpshell blueprints
Collect 50-70 fate during a run
Collect 50-70 do during a run
The Master of Energy & Space
Collect 50-70 fate during a run
Collect 50-70 do during a run
We Forgot To Bring Backups
Collect 50-70 fate during a run
Collect 50-70 do during a run
The Persistent Bastard
Collect 50-70 fate during a run
Collect 50-70 do during a run
Got to Start from Somewhere
Have 1 core module slots installed
Have 1 core module slots installed
Improved Integrity
Have 50+ hitpoints
Have 50+ hitpoints
It ' s Just You and Me Now
Have 50+ hitpoints
Have 50+ hitpoints
The Overwhelming Fire Strategy
Have 7 weapon slots
Have 7 weapon slots
The Chaos Modelling Enthusiast
Collect 71-99 fate during a run
Collect 71-99 do during a run
The Hardened Core Strategy
Have 10+ core module slots
Have 10+ core module slots
The Endurance blueprints
Have 10+ core module slots
Have 10+ core module slots
The Stronger the Better
Have 2 core module slots installed
Have 2 core module slots installed
The Tortoise Strategy
Have 80+ hitpoints
Have 80+ hitpoints
A Collector of Deaths
Have 80+ hitpoints
Have 80+ hitpoints
The Excessive Fire Strategy
Have 8 weapon slots
Have 8 weapon slots
The Hoarder' ' s End
Have 8 weapon slots
Have 8 weapon slots
The Master of Coincidences
Have 100+ klicken
Have 100+ make
Core Hardener
Have 3 core module slots installed
Have 3 core module slots installed
It ' s Not Even Fair
Have 3 core module slots installed
Have 3 core module slots installed
Layers of armor
Have 60+ hitpoints
Have 60+ hitpoints
The Drone-Collector
Have 18+ drohnen
Have 18+ drones
A Cat ' s Lifelength
Have 18+ drohnen
Have 18+ drones
Have 5 core module slots installed
Have 5 core module slots installed
The Victory Endurance
Win the game with Endurance ship
Win the game with Endurance ship
The Gardener
Win the game with Endurance ship
Win the game with Endurance ship
The Durability
Have 70+ hitpoints
Have 70+ hitpoints
Missed Opportunity
Die while having an unused nuke
Die while having an unused nuke
The Apex Arsenal
Own 8+ capital missiles
Own 8+ capital missiles
The Near-Death Experience
Own 8+ capital missiles
Own 8+ capital missiles
The Relentless Explorer
Own 8+ capital missiles
Own 8+ capital missiles
The Warpshell Victory
Win the game with Warpshell ship
Win the game with Warpshell ship
The Troll Strategy
Have 70+ shieldpoints
Have 70+ shieldpoints
The Heroic Sleeper Stellt
Have 12+ crew and/or pets in cryosleep
Have 12+ crew and/or pets in cryosleep
The Organic Victory
Win the game with Pumpkin Hammer ship
Win the game with Pumpkin Hammer ship
The Way of the Tortoise
Win the game with Pumpkin Hammer ship
Win the game with Pumpkin Hammer ship
The Comfy Victory
Win the game with Atlas ship
Win the game with Atlas ship
The Master-Ecologist
Win the game with Atlas ship
Win the game with Atlas ship
The Junk Collector
Own 5+ artifacts
Own 5+ artifacts
The Unquenchable Thirst
Own 5+ artifacts
Own 5+ artifacts
The Incredible Tigerfish Tactician
Win the game with Tigerfish ship
Win the game with Tigerfish ship
Rogue Rat Optimizer
Win the game with Rogue ship Rat
Win the game with Rogue Rat ship
The Solid-Heart-Strategy
Have 4+ integrity modules installed
Have 4+ integrity modules installed
The Explorer ' s Victory
Win the game with das sol post ship
Win the game with Bluestar ship
The Phoenix Pattern
Win the game with das sol post ship
Win the game with Bluestar ship
Fierce Sincerity All the Way
Win the game with Fierce Sincerity ship
Win the game with Fierce Sincerity to ship
The Incredible Feat of Minimalism
Win the game with Nuke Runner ship
Win the game with Nuke Runner ship
The Horticulturist
Have 10 garden modules installed
Have 10 garden modules installed
The Avatar of Commitment
Have 10 garden modules installed
Have 10 garden modules installed
The Die Hard-Captain
Complete a sector while having only 1 crewmember
A Complete sector while having only 1 crewmember
The Avatar of Resilience
Complete a sector while having only 1 crewmember
A Complete sector while having only 1 crewmember
The Indestructible Individuality
Complete a sector while having only 1 crewmember
A Complete sector while having only 1 crewmember
The Master of the Way
Complete a sector while having only 1 crewmember
A Complete sector while having only 1 crewmember
The Avatars of Determination
Complete a sector while having only 1 crewmember
A Complete sector while having only 1 crewmember
The Unstoppable Force
Complete a sector while having only 1 crewmember
A Complete sector while having only 1 crewmember
Cherri Andrea640360